
Thursday, May 16, 2013


My recent case, how we handled it?

我的客户(L)才刚工作不久,当时还是OPT,公司正准备帮办H-1, 所以只能做portfolio贷款,客户是我的loan officer(S)介绍给我的。在offer被接受,开始贷款第一步时,loan officer发现原来虽然H-1在报批了,可是还没有被approve, 所以她不是很肯定了,那个周末我, L和S打了好几次电话沟通,想办法,都已经认为是不行了,后来S星期一一早和underwriter联系,得到回答可以做,大家都松了口气。然后大约过了几天后,发现L的信用记录上有一笔不属于他的debt history, 说是欠一个rental property的租金大约$1500,奇怪的是说这笔钱已被还了,却被记录在L的credit上了。本来这个如果不是portfolio loan的话,也并不是太大不了的事,可是两个碰在一起,就不乐观了,需要clear out. 这就牵涉一系列的是- 找那个rental property management company, 提供证据,要rental property management company出具信件,找credit bureau协调和clearance,当中总有些部门或所有部门不是如愿很快回复和合作的。我立刻notify seller agent这个情况,表明我们正在积极的working on getting it solved. 但是中间的很多环节,还有由于是portfolio loan,underwriter不是in house的,也就是broker loan,所以S has much less control as she normally has.

Loan Contingency removal 本来是17天的, 我多方面沟通后extend了5天,当时lender还是想努力争取30天close的, 所以虽然我和seller agent沟通了这个情况,但没有officially file extension for closing. 当时我正好回国两个星期(机票在前一年九月就定好了),我虽然走之前和我的broker, L和S以及我的transaction coordinator都打好了招呼交待了情况,但我还是买好了从中国打美国的电话卡准备随时打电话。我的broker也一起帮我,但她也有其它的事忙,我怎好意思麻烦她太多?由于时间差,那几天几乎是没日没夜的协调,交涉,follow up直到loan的问题最后解决, 让她们感觉我如同在San Diego。由于在Loan Contingency removal的后期才发现原来underwriter还在等HOA master insurance document。虽然rush order了,但还是又耽搁了两天,最后Loan Contingency是在第二十七天才被remove的。当时seller已经搬出,所以对extension特别concern.

在五月的第一个星期,seller agent发信说loan再不搞好,seller要重新把property放到market上;五月八日(原本的close date是五月七日),seller agent又发了个邮件 “with the action or lack there of this loan officer we are going to insist the lender pay daily costs of what the sellers mortgage costs are.  I will get that information and send it over in the morning.” 我也知道,seller agent owe her client fiduciary duty, seller一定也是在催她,agent是有压力的,因为她要为她的客户利益着想,这时候我的回复是给她同时也是给seller看的,因为她一定是会把我的回复forward给seller的. 所以我怎么写很重要。

I have been using this loan officer for my transactions, and she had always been responsive and able to close on time. This time is a little different. First of all, we had experienced an unexpected issue regarding my buyers credit which wasn't my buyers fault but took us tremendous time and effort to clear out; second, due to my buyers immigration status, we used profile loan thus the underwriter is not in house and she does not have the same control as with the other in house transactions. Nonetheless, she has tried really hard already to push and rush here and there. (表明不是lender的错,不应charge lender anything!)
There is no doubt that all sides want to close and close on time although we, as agents in the industry know that mortgage backed transactions have potential delays due to unexpected situations during loan processing. In our case, the delay wasn't caused by non-performing but the two factors I mentioned above. By putting the property back to market for this reason might not be a wise action for it may take longer to close. We CAN and WILL close, and all of us have been working really hard. It's just about the time for the underwriter to get back to us!   (表明也不是buyer的错, 我们都很努力! 事实就是。暗示威胁cancel the transaction won't benefit seller either. 但同时安慰他们我们会close的。)
Could you please help us communicate this to the seller and not to charge the lender? All of us have been trying our best performing. We thank your clients' patience and understanding! (讲些好话)
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

另一方面我又紧紧follow lender. 当然我也做好了进一步打算,如果seller真要退出,这些都只是email的交流,他们还是要给我们一个书面的NBP(notification for buyer performance), 发出NBP后起码要给buyer两天的时间perform, 这些都是标准的contract term, 再过两天loan就该settle了。

果然seller agent没有再说什么。果然我们close了,在5/14, 比原本正好迟了7天。最后还有一个细节就是我提前想到我客户的wife在San Jose, 快要生了,loan document要如何签的问题,是用power of attorney, 还是单独找当地的notary给她签,还是趁他周末去San Jose的时候一起签,若没有提前想到,又会是delay.

事实上,一笔transaction, agent要操心的地方很多,很多事很细小,但错过一个就会造成一串效应。行外的人并不都知晓和理解。

Lessons Learned:
在作贷款的过程中有些障碍,要在障碍出现的早期就file extension for loan contingency removal and extension for closing, 而且要估计足够的时间,宁可到时比预计的提早。并且要和卖方/卖方经纪及时的沟通。越到后面对方的焦虑感越强,也越难沟通。


怎样帮客户在Carmel Valley拿到了一个Deal


这套是CV的排屋, 要价53.5万,3房/2.5卫, 是四月份出来的,同时出来的还有一套也在CV更大更新一点,也更贵一点,我们同时出了offer. 53.5万当时我们是唯一的offer,(猜测是大家都奔另外那套去了).  近60万的那套和客户沟通后觉得供起来有点吃力,并且他们更喜欢53.5万的那套有个front courtyard。 确认了这点后,我要求前者的卖方/经纪人给我24小时之内的回复。对方确实在24小时之内给了回复,下来到53万,并且说不能再下来了,同一个小区另一套价格高高挂在那边呢。

我和对方经纪人在电话里讲了一通话,包括我之前和Coldwell Banker的另外两个经纪人有很好的合作,她立刻说这两个经纪人她都认识,感觉距离拉近了不少。还有从我打过交道的经纪人来看,我认为Coldwell Banker的总体素质最好, 我的左右邻居又正好都是Coldwell Banker的经纪人等等, 讲的都是属实的情况,只是听来都是悦耳的。然后切入正题将我们目前的offer情况和她说了一下,这里我用了一些技巧(商业机密不细述 :-)),对方经纪人说给她15分钟时间她立刻跟卖方联系,15分钟后她打回电话,成了, 但双方还没签字,因为她在度假,要等她回来后。只要还没有文件和双方签字,就不排除变数,那天又是星期五,我估计周末会有更多人看那套房子,所以我要求她立刻把房屋状态从“活跃” 改到“已接受售房合同. 她诙谐地说“Yes Ma'am", 同时我主动提出我可以起草文件寄给她的客户签字,她非常感谢。实际上我是以防夜长梦多。


有人说经纪人除了起草文件和带看房没有别的用?哪怕同样是起草文件和带看房,经纪人不同就有多大的不同!这样评价的人估计是不幸没找到合适的agent,还是以buyer rebate多少为选择agent标准的结果,要不然我为全San Diego的华人经纪人感到悲哀! 其实在我的经历中,我还是碰到过能干认真负责的华人经纪人的。
