
Monday, May 10, 2021

GMCC Jumbo Express Loan Program

 传统的jumbo loan(贷款额超过$753, 250): 首付20%或以上, debt to income ratio 40% to 43% max! 

GMCC JUMBO EXPRESS: Exciting program!! 最适合的人群:换房的人群,首付只要10%,并且不用付mortgage  insurance! 没有mortgage insurance!! 只要薪水还可以,月供最多可以贷到税前月薪的49.9%, 而且现在拥有的房子,不管是准备卖掉还是准备做投资房,现有的贷款都可以不算到debt里面!需要快来吧

Be Aware Of Mortgage Forbearance

 朋友们,由于疫情,很多银行纷纷offer loan forbearance program, 如果你付得出mortgage payment, 尽量不要take it, 这个会significantly 影响你今后的refi and purchase loan, 大大小小的银行都不愿意贷款给有forbearance 的borrowers! You will be stuck for quite a long time!
