
Thursday, July 9, 2015


那还是两年多前了,有个中国人从朋友那里得到我的联系电话,说要换agent, 要到我这里来。我好奇,问为什么。告知他们在Carmel Valley下了个offer, 房子九十年代的, 查出来有白蚁,他们问自己的经纪,经纪说,"卖家负责tenting, 没问题的。” 他们认为有白蚁是个很严重的事情,agent这样回答太过轻描淡写了,觉得agent不负责任。他们的agent我熟,当然不会take 他们,于是跟他们解释了一番关于termite的东西。

加州多地震,The vast majority of homes and apartments are wood framed. Wood is actually a very good material for surviving earthquakes due to its flexible. 而白蚁又是喜木头和喜潮湿的 insects. 八、九十年代在Carmel Valley和PQ以及RB的房子查出来有白蚁infestation,特别是drywood termites, 特别是Deck/Patio/Wooden fence/Roof eaves的drywood termite是常有的事。Besides美国的东南部州,加州应该是拥有全美最多白蚁公司之一的州。每一次帮客户买房, 做termite inspection的都是不同家的公司!

Termites swarm twice a year so there are two opportunities every year for them to set up shop in your house. Avoiding a house because it has termites is like avoiding a used car because of its dusty. 也是客户的个性有所不同,有些觉得treat了就无所谓, 有些是看情况,但也有个别客户会overreact with fear. 总体上是第一次买房的客户比较看得serious, 已经有过买和卖经历的就好很多。I have a friend, she obsesses about things she can't see...Will there be termites in the walls? What did the carpet cover up? What did the paint cover up? What if there is mold behind the new tile in that house? I told her to keep renting so she could sleep at night....haha

也有客户问我,房子会不会整个被白蚁蛀掉啊?坦白说,我还没有听说过houses actually falling down due to termites. They can do a lot of damage, but wood can take a lot of damage before it fails.  如果发现白蚁,tenting是最好的办法。tenting以后的warranty通常是三年, 并且warranty是transfer到新owner的。但是任何treatment都不是一劳永逸的,而且tenting两、三千起价是必须的,he best you can do after you own a home is to treat your house regularly to keep termites from doing serious damage.

以下是网上的source on termite prevention -

Eliminate Moisture Problems

  • Repair leaking faucets, water pipes, and A/C units
  • Divert water from foundation
  • Keep gutters and downspouts clean
  • Remove excessive plant cover and wood mulch
  • Get rid of standing water on roof
  • Keep all vents clear and open
  • Seal entry points around water and utility lines or pipes

Remove Termite Food Sources

  • Keep firewood, lumber or paper away from foundation or crawl space
  • Get rid of stumps and debris near house
  • Place screens on outside vents
  • Check decks and wooden fences for damage
  • Wood on your home shouldn’t contact the soil