
Tuesday, December 17, 2019


今年八月份就开始的院子在慢慢地变成我想要的样子*在建之中*。。。这二天带客户去看的房子,有二处都有桔子树,但都好酸呢[抓狂]。我这棵Evergreen 买的,现成已经有果子了,三天摘了五十来个,好甜好甜哒,品种参照图三。种了牛油果、枇杷、富士苹果、无花果、桔子、柠檬和百香果。果树果树,种你们我没经验,请你们不要太为难我啦!美国生活了这么多年,我悟出一条:便宜,大多没有好货,不管是服务还是物品,等质等量,想便宜又货不差(只能说是不差)的话,要花太多的精力和特别的眼光去鉴别也不定能找着。

Sunday, September 29, 2019


暑假的一天我们娘俩聊着聊着,小麦子突然就伤心起来,说校长不知道他叫什么名字,有天校长把他叫成另外一个小孩的名字了,我安慰他,学校几百个小朋友,校长哪会知道每一个小朋友的名字呢?妈妈小学那会儿校长也叫不出名字。可他不干,非说他要be famous, 我说那咱们想想有什么办法可以让校长知道你的大名呢。他一听,马上就擦完眼泪和我一起想办法。首先,他说他要参加science fair (去年他没有),校长可能参加评分,我肯定了他的这个想法,又提仪他去参加每年学校的talent show, 上台去吹个黑管,对此他是犹豫的,上台表演他是怕的,我说你都已经吹了二年了,能行的,我们先暂时这么放着。然后他又说他要争取整年不缺勤,年终校长会给那些小朋友颁奖;上学期有个Friday Assembly他巳经被班级提名被校长叫到过名字,只是人没有对上,所以他要继续努力再被提名……哗啦啦,一下子出了很多点子,最后,他严肃地对我说,mommy, 你要到学校多做义工!我说,妈妈不要去做过义工了吗?他说,你做的义工是班级的义工,老师和同学知道你,可校长不知道你,你要做school level 的义工,象Ryan 的妈妈,是school fund raising 的义工,Ryan 和他妈妈一起,校长就知道Ryan 了。哎哟哟,还真拼上了。

上周四 Parent Night 完后,我和 Mr. Jones 讲了这事,他说I’m so glad that you told me, I’m going to check him out tomorrow。周五放学回家,小麦子抑制不住兴奋,边哼着歌边告诉我校长今天给了他个大大的奖励,一定是老师提名的,校长给他写了一个note, 给了他一支笔和一个装有gummy 的玩具车,校长说这个玩具车他给过Staff, 但学生里面他是第一个,他甭提有多开心了。我问他校长和他聊了些什么,他说校长问他play 什么sports。


Wednesday, August 28, 2019



卖房的准备涉及好几个方面,随便说一个小的方面吧,卖相。内部摆设要有色彩,就是有accent pieces, 即点缀性摆设。几个月前代理的一个小康斗,二年前帮客户抢来的,就是因为装修佳和卖相好。到他们准备卖的时候,摆设没有了,只剩下一具白沙发,一个深棕色沙发椅,一张玻璃餐桌,看上去是不是比较单调,?我顺手从现有的storage拿了几个点缀性的枕头(照片上白沙发和棕沙发上的pillow),茶几上放个tray, 茶几地板上放个白色的羊毛毯,厅里放个亮色的竹篮和假花, 厨房和卫生间台面上放二个金色和绿色的小装饰,是不是一下子亮了很多?餐桌上放一束鲜花,是不是多了不少灵气?我承认鲜花的颜色有点不搭,不过那个是我前一天从国内回来,老公带着这束花带着小孩到机场接我,我第二天去客户那儿准备拍照上市就顺手带上了。如果沙发背后的墙面再安装个画就更好了,我有很多画,就是需要有人装,客户是对小夫妻,要管一个二岁的娃,还要准备搬到别州去的一堆事,就作罢了。这套房子上市不到三天收到asking price offer ,我又用了一个小技巧最后高于要价$7000卖掉,目前依然保持小区内同房型成交的最高价,另外几套要价低几万还都挂着呢。我的一个朋友本来要用现金买下做投资房,我本来可以做dual, 但价格到这样了就没多大意思了,做dual 要对两边都负责,我说,钱先放着,有钱还怕没好的机会!我经常做这样的“傻事”,但改不了的个性,喜欢帮别人打算打算、计划计划,​可能做个管家挺不错。


不信你可以试试自己的家,有和没有饰物是否会天差地别?哪怕增加一、二件搭的accent piece也会让空间顿然起色。假如橱柜显旧,亦或橱柜和地板的颜色不够时尚美观,比如发亮红、橙、棕色或者橡木色,那么点缀就变成必须的啦,它们可以把人们的目光 distract,淡化瑕疵。



客户中有几个小姑娘,说特羡慕我这个职业,为什么? 说可以看那么多漂亮的房子啊。唉,还甭说,看那么多漂亮的房子,就差兜兜有钱,就像二十岁那会,商店里那么多美丽的衣裳,只能看看买不起,徒增烦恼。其实呢,看房仅是我工作的很小一部分,透明的房源,房子大小、朝向是看房前就可以知道的,光线、声音、好看难看客户自己决定喜好,我呢,只在关键的地方把个关提个醒。更重要的是negotiation才有技巧有难度, 比如价格、房子进了escrow 之后的各种把关、比如房屋检测后的 repair request negotiation要够硬核,不然吃亏的是客户。

以前小时候假期去外公外婆家,不知道为什么每次外婆送我上车之前我的肚子都会隐隐作痛,我想这是对某种情愫的生理反应吧。没想到同样的生理反应发生在每一次要帮客户remove all contingencies 的时候,因为这个意味着不管什么原因,客户如果back out, earnest money 就没了,所以我总是要再检查一遍,确认客户都没问题了,该 inspect 和 investigate 的都thorough了,而且一定等到最后一天对方催的时候才 remove.


Friday, June 28, 2019

独家代理:Truly精装修Westview High School 学区房




2815 sqft




Silver Ivy Ln San Diego CA 92129








8900 sqft






山景,远处peak ocean view, City Lights





Truly elegant home meticulously cared and loved by original owner. Panoramic view to the rolling hills and ocean peak in distance. No neighbor behind. Open floor plan with two bedrooms and one full bath down. Balcony with view off master bedroom. Walk to highly acclaimed Westview High, Mesa Verde Middle and Deer Canyon Elementary. Owner spent over $170,000 on top of builder upgrades. Every dollar was spent on elegance and detail. Info provided with seller's best knowledge, Buyer to verify all.

Travertine and hardwood flooring. Hunter Douglas wood plantation and Silhouette shades. Custom built in master closet, cherry wood office room built in with granite top and bookcases, built in granite counter and sink in garage. Highly upgraded kitchen with recessed lights and all SS appliances and details here and there. Marble for master shower and downstairs bath shower. Jacuzzi in master bathroom. All new high efficiency toilets. Solar sun tunnel in entrance. Beautiful iron stair railing. Professionally installed surveillance cameras on front, side and back. Designer painting throughout. Step outside where you can relax your cares away in the impeccably designed grand backyard with BBQ and a beautiful view patio.

SOLD at 1,150,000, Tarrma 小区至今最高价

Thursday, June 27, 2019

独家代理:Rancho Bernardo Twin Home

Beautiful one story twin house boasts an open floorplan with vaulted ceilings. The kitchen features Stainless Steel Appliances, Granite Countertops, and porcelain tile flooring. Bathrooms and Laundry room have ceramic tile flooring and both bathrooms have been remodeled. Newer AC and owner replaced all windows with dual panes. Attached 2 car garage, fenced back and side yard, and a spacious back patio for entertaining and breeze. It takes a short stroll to TurtleBack elementary school.
Enjoy a mature community with lots of green and the beautiful High Country West Rec Club that features huge pools and spa, a children's playground, tennis courts, basketball court, volleyball court and racquetball courts.
2-bedroom, 2-bath, single story, 1240 sqft twin home, fall in love with the convenient location. 
Asking: $579,000

SOLD at $570,000

Thursday, May 16, 2019

独家代理:高度受欢迎的Arabella Home in Pacific Highlands Ranch

This beautiful home is located in the heart of the sought after Pacific Highland Ranch, a corner lot with plenty of sunlight and sunset view in the evening. This rarely available Arabella Plan 3 / 2,453 sf / 4 beds plus Loft / Private Lot sits on a quiet location. It's every mom's dream to walk her kids to Solana Ranch Elementary School, kids ride or walk to Pacific Trails Middle School and Canyon Crest Academy in the renowned San Dieguito School District, yet having such a quiet and bright corner lot away from the busy Carmel Valley Rd, or Del Mar Heights or Pacific Highlands Pkwy. Owned by the original owners, this adorned 4-bed/3-bath home has a functional floor plan, master bedroom attached to huge master bath, master bathroom is fully upgraded to marble top and marble Jacuzzi tub with jets, two children's rooms, a loft upstairs, an additional guest room and a full bath downstairs, spacious kitchen of huge granite countertop and central kitchen island, two car garage with lots of built-in cabinets, water softener, and nice front and back yard space. Very well maintained mahogany wood flooring. Wrought iron staircase, crown molding, window casing and a balcony rarely seen in neighbors make this house more attractive! Custom design landscaping with fire pit and built in BBQ grill / very low maintenance. Resort like Rec center has pool, spa, fitness rooms and more. Cannot miss it!
Priced 1,259,000

SOLD at 1,250,000, Arabella 小区至今最高价