
Monday, May 4, 2015

Pacific Highlands Ranch 更新 (1):新房开发深度信息

Pardee继WaterMark之后,今年四、五月又相继在Carmel Valley Rd的东面推出Verana, Canterra和Casabella(见图1)。

Canterra offers 4个bedrooms, 3-4 baths, 2077-2588 square feet, 2 bay garages, 三个 floor plan, 有small court yard, 但没有后院,车库在后面和邻居的车库面对面(叫做alley loaded, just like Portico in PHR)。售价90万起。

Casabella offers 4-5个bedrooms, 3-4 .5baths, 2134-2824 square feet, 2-3 bay garages, 四个 floor plan, 后院大概在4000-5000sqft,mid 90万起。

Verana offers 4-6个bedrooms|3-4 baths, 2645-3518 square feet, 2-3 bay garages, 三个floor plan, 售价100万起。我个人喜欢的是2B,3138sqft, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, downstairs has one den on the entry as office, and one guest suite with its own bath facing the backyard.

以上三个盘都属于Carmel Valley学区,小学是Ashley Falls, 初中either Carmel Valley Middle或是Pacific Heights(今年九月份入学七年级)。 高中是Torrey Pine或者CCA。 CCA目前还是抽签入学,但是学区board已经收到很多居民的complaints,目前正在under review, 不知以后会不会改变。

现在你开在Carmel Valley Rd上, 右手边上都是dirt road, 好几块地都在开工。那么除了Pardee的,也有另外一些SFH和town homes在建(图2)。

ATaylor Morrison Home Corp. 去年年初从Lin Family Trust of La Jolla购买的28.79 acre的地,this is a single family home development called The Elms and The Ivy. It will be a mix of alley loaded homes (like Portico) and traditional homes with garages in the front。 一共174 houses, 其中146个是市价房,28个经济适用房。The site is on the north side of state Route 56, south of Carmel Valley Road near Carmel Valley。 现在还没有定价和销售,但昨天我打电话给他们把我的客户放到notification list上了,一有消息他们就会通知我。

  1. B is owned by Mr. Lin.  He will eventually develop multifamily just north of Airoso, and probably some sort of mix of multifamily and office in his section that will fall to the west of Village Center Loop Road.  Village Center Loop Road will eventually go through and meet up with Carmel Valley Road at Zinnia Hills Place. He is not doing so now, so the road is not currently being built。
目前还有在开发的是D这一块是从56号一下Carmel Valley Rd的紧右手。D由两部分组成。The very south end of the parcel, Wermers 正在开发,叫Carmel Cielo。 Two-story multifamily buildings。 一共 197 units,it's for families earning 50-60% AMI。应该是lease only的。昨天打电话去问,还没有确认。The northern section of the property will be 280 market rate townhouse apartments.  The two projects will be connected by an internal road, but they are under different ownership and have different builders.  

说到经济适用房,不管是租是买,它是由政府补贴的,所以对收入有要求。通常都要求AMI在60%以下。下表是30%-60%的AMI(Area Median Income)。 Some apartment communities allow for higher incomes. So inquire with individual property managers to determine the maximum income limits for existing properties.

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Portico对面的shopping center 还在继续建设之中,目前StarBucks, Trader Joe's 和Panera已经启用。上个月星期天晚上在Panera Bread用餐,人气很旺。