代表Buyer的时候,每一次Home Inspection我必在场,亦步亦趋,问这问那,往往很多Buyer没想到的问题我都想到提到。久而久之,home inspector都开玩笑说我都成半个inspector了。
首先是inspector的选择。通常你的经纪人会提供几个inspector供你选择。我一般提供给我的客户两个,第三个我让他们自己去找, 朋友的推荐也好,网上的推荐也好。然后三个之中选一个。当然很多时候我的客户说他们很忙,叫我安排就行了。
其次我要说的是,general inspection has a lot of limitations. 比如,他们只测试一个component或一个system现在是否work, but is NOT required to determine the remaining life expectancy of system and component; 比如,如果屋里屋外的地方他们不能access, they are NOT required to determine the condition of systems and components that are not readily accessible; 比如,很多inspector不爬屋顶,因为他们并非licensed roofer, 瓦片踩碎了怎么办?他们基本是visually inspect the tiles and concrete; 比如,they are NOT required to tell you the method, material and cost of a repair or replacement; 又比如,他们不测soil condition, structure and foundation.
那么,他们到底测些什么东西呢?他们测过去可能发生过和现在正在发生的leak;他们测interior drain, waste, and vent systems;interior water supply and distribution systems (plumbing);他们测家电、冷暖系统是否都工作(home appliances and HVAC),他们测各种布线是否符合规定(electrical),他们测garage door是否符合安全规定。他们对有safety concern的东西特别重视。他们测insulation和ventilation。
很多情况下比如plumbing和electrical, 他们告诉你问题,但不require提供原因和解决办法。还有如果他们在测试中发现大片的cracks on the walls, windows, joining parts, and ground, 他们会建议你找geo inspector对foundation, structure和soil做进一步investigation (Engineering Inspection)。顺便说一下,做Engineering inspecton有名的是DeBerry.
Home inspection是个相对松散的行业。In some states, there are no requirements to being a home inspector。 Look for affiliation with groups such as NAHI, the National Institute of Building Inspectors, and theAmerican Society of Home Inspectors. These are some of the most reputable inspector associations, and their Web sites have a “find an inspector” service to locate a member in your area. http://www.homeinspector.org/Standards-of-Practice specifies the standards of member practice and what's included and excluded.
首先是inspector的选择。通常你的经纪人会提供几个inspector供你选择。我一般提供给我的客户两个,第三个我让他们自己去找, 朋友的推荐也好,网上的推荐也好。然后三个之中选一个。当然很多时候我的客户说他们很忙,叫我安排就行了。
其次我要说的是,general inspection has a lot of limitations. 比如,他们只测试一个component或一个system现在是否work, but is NOT required to determine the remaining life expectancy of system and component; 比如,如果屋里屋外的地方他们不能access, they are NOT required to determine the condition of systems and components that are not readily accessible; 比如,很多inspector不爬屋顶,因为他们并非licensed roofer, 瓦片踩碎了怎么办?他们基本是visually inspect the tiles and concrete; 比如,they are NOT required to tell you the method, material and cost of a repair or replacement; 又比如,他们不测soil condition, structure and foundation.
那么,他们到底测些什么东西呢?他们测过去可能发生过和现在正在发生的leak;他们测interior drain, waste, and vent systems;interior water supply and distribution systems (plumbing);他们测家电、冷暖系统是否都工作(home appliances and HVAC),他们测各种布线是否符合规定(electrical),他们测garage door是否符合安全规定。他们对有safety concern的东西特别重视。他们测insulation和ventilation。
很多情况下比如plumbing和electrical, 他们告诉你问题,但不require提供原因和解决办法。还有如果他们在测试中发现大片的cracks on the walls, windows, joining parts, and ground, 他们会建议你找geo inspector对foundation, structure和soil做进一步investigation (Engineering Inspection)。顺便说一下,做Engineering inspecton有名的是DeBerry.
Home inspection是个相对松散的行业。In some states, there are no requirements to being a home inspector。 Look for affiliation with groups such as NAHI, the National Institute of Building Inspectors, and theAmerican Society of Home Inspectors. These are some of the most reputable inspector associations, and their Web sites have a “find an inspector” service to locate a member in your area. http://www.homeinspector.org/Standards-of-Practice specifies the standards of member practice and what's included and excluded.