
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

买房中的Gift Money

有越来越多的客户用外来的Gift Money购房,特别是来自中国的钱。以下是一些注意点。

如果赠予人是美国resident,  则美国税务局规定每年每个父母可以赠与每个子女$14,000免税额,所以比如一对新婚夫妇要买房,双方父母四人 (每人分别赠予$14,000给一对小夫妻),$14,000乘以4,这样小夫妻可以最多收到$56,000。这笔$56,000的赠予款,父母是不需要交赠与税的,接受赠款的夫妻也不必缴纳收入所得税。但这个赠与款项, 将在今后的estate tax中被减除。 从历史数据来看, estate tax 的上限每年递增,2016是$5,450,000,对一般人来说, 这么高的上限不会是一个concern.

贷款买房,Lender会查borrower两个整月的流水帐,所以如果钱在这之前到贷款人美国的帐上(也叫Seasoning),lender就不追查钱的出处了。如果是在两个月之内,要保存好各种收据,以备lender到时需要的解释。这里要注意两点:1)赠予人直接把钱电汇到贷款人美国的帐号。如果赠予人先把钱存入贷款人中国的帐号, 再从贷款人自己在中国的帐号汇到贷款人在美国的帐号,lender会追查贷款人在中国帐号的资金出入,牵涉到税收等敏感问题。如果是多个赠予人,可以把多个赠予人的资金集中在一个赠予人帐上,再一次性wire给贷款人美国的帐号。2)存钱的形式要用转帐的形式,不要用现金存。由于洗钱的存在,lender对现金deposit查得很紧。总之,如果购房合同被接受后要用中国的钱,用gift money比较好,除非是小额,并且你能解释你在中国没有未缴税的收入,并且应该在你知道你要定这个房子后立刻到位以备lender需要的各种解释to remove loan contingency.

那么如何界定这里所说的外国人呢?是从纳税(不需在美国纳税或resident alien)的角度还是从身份的角度(非绿卡或公民)呢?这里所指的外国人, 是从estate and gift tax的定义上来讲的。也就是说,Foreign nationals who are not green card holders are generally considered none domiciled in the United States for both U.S. estate and gift tax purposes


另一方面,如果是全款购房,就没有贷款的各项限制,不管汇款是不是自己在国外的,都可以直接汇到escrow account上,如果收款人和汇款人不同名,escrow 在close之前会叫双方签字,大部分escrow 都OK电子签字。

这些是我的knowledge, 最终得consult with your lender.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Short Sale Buyer Question

Question: 我是buyer, 递上去的合同中很多费用都是seller付的。比如:

1。termite report and termite inspection clearance for section 1
owner's title insurance
2。 pay HOAs fees for preparing all documents other than those required by
Civil code 4525
3。seller shall pay for the cost for one-year home warranty

银行的Short sale addendum没有说这协调款被overriden了。最终批下来的只是说有个
总数all other closing costs不超过$5200,然后说了个sold as is.




目前的market,short sale已经不是香馍馍了,因为加上这些潜在的drawback. 等了几
个月后,approved价格和市场价没啥两样,更别提你还找了dual agent, 损失了
buyer agent可能给你的rebate.

typically, for short sales, lender does not pay for termite inspection nor
termite clearance if there is any termite/dryrot/fungus found, it does not
pay for repair request nor gives repair credit, it does not pay for HOA
documents nor HOA transfer. It does not pay for home warranty. However, most
of times, it shall pay for owner title insurance.

Have your agent negotiate with the lenders to see if they could pay owner
title insurance.Mean while, negotiate with your agent if ta could cover some
of your closing cost.

Getting Your Clients Offer Accepted

客户看了房子后喜欢得不得了,朝向好,结构好,装修好,就是他们一直想要的能满足他们今后家庭需要的房子。问题是,Open house的时候人山人海, 屋里进进出出象动物园,就知道肯定会有multiple offer。 那怎样能让客户的offer被卖家接受呢?Well, 每个房子的情况都是不同的,在一个房子上有用的strategy到了另一个房子并不一定管用。然而,尽管价格还是最重要因素,还是可以做一些事情,让客户的offer rise to the top of the stack的。

1。 Present a complete and organized package。我所有客户的offer, 都包括Purcahse Contract, Pre-approval letter from the buyer's lender 和 Proof of Fund. 记住,这三个文件都要在一个PDF文件中, multiple attachments requires more work on the part of the listing agent.

2。 提高定金,即Earnest Money Deposit。 在加州,定金一般是房子买价的1%-3%。 我曾经有个客户,合约里叫我写了1%的定金,卖家counter过来的条款中有一条是要求付3%的定金,我跟他解释了又解释EMD是怎么回事,他还是不同意,但又一定要我给卖家打电话,告诉卖家他们有多诚心多serious,结果自然是落选了。我也做卖家 agent, 碰到这样的买家,我会觉得有点好笑,没有行动的诚心谁看到呢。其实,在美国的地产交易中,规则是更照顾买家的。卖家接受合约后,只要买家不违约,就一定得卖,而买家只要在合同写定的天数内退出,没有任何理由,定金全部返回。而且,这个定金从一开始就不是在卖家的帐户上,而是由escrow第三方帮助保管。有些时候卖家比你还急着要退你的定金呢。没有退还你的定金,他还不能立刻和另外的买家进ecrow。有时候定金推迟返还,大多数是因为escrow那边需要时间clear。既然如此,那为什么有些卖家要叫买家提高定金呢?主要是卖家想让买家有点压力(尽管这种压力并不能被条约enforce), 同时也想看到买家真诚的买意。

3。Waive home warranty。卖家通常会给买家买一年的保险。这个保险并不是房屋保险,而是家电保险和水管及空调、热水器保险。房子close后你可以决定要不要买。 自己买的话,depend on什么样的房子,也就是$300-500之间。如果房子各方面比较新,也不是非买不可。

4。Remove appraisal contingency。客户够喜欢这个房子,首付25%以上,客户自己和agent对这一区域的市场够熟悉。

这些都是硬件,于此同时也必须有软件的配合。这就看经纪人的专业水平和对客户的上心程度了。There are always personal and secret sauces here and there. 同样email offer, 这个email和那个email给人的感觉就相差很大。最近卖房,其中一个买方agent在present offer时就明显stand out,让我欣赏了一遍。我自己在代表买方时虽然也一样在practice, 但由于时间精力的有限,没有每个case都practice, 看来以后每单都要如此努力同样是talk over the phone, conversation的品质是有相当差异的。做经纪人的门槛不高,但是mediocre 和优秀的经纪人之间的差别是可以感受到的。学无止境, 古话不古。

在美国,买卖交易是通过经纪人和其他相关人员完成的,大多数交易从开始到结束,买卖双方不见面, 更别说直接说话了。决定是买卖双方作的,但双方经纪人的Influence是无可否认的


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Editor's Notes:
据说我现在有不少粉丝了。博客从2013年春季开始,到现在才两年几个月的时间,已经有15,000多的page views了, 也有不少经纪人看我的博客。I feel honored。笔耕,是我的P-A-S-S-I-O-N。 做一行时间久了,就像吃饭睡觉,渐渐就会失去原来的激情。当它还在的时候,多写多记录。一旦堆积,时间一过,感悟就不同甚至荡然无存了。

Monday, June 8, 2015

Rancho Bernardo小实惠单层别墅




1573 sqft




15662 Caminito La Torre, San Diego CA 92128








4748 sqft






No Neighbor's behind






This light and bright 3 bedroom, 2 bath ONE-STORY home is situated in the center of Ladera Bernardo, a beautiful, small development with great access to everything, yet peaceful and inviting. Low HOA fee includes membership for Bernardo Heights Recr. Ctr. Skylights in living room. Upgrades 1.New laminate floor. 2.Newer roof felt and garage door in end of 2011. 3.Copper plumbing in 2006. 4.Remodeled bath&kitchen, granite countertop, newer stainless steel kitchen & laundry appliances. Poway Unified schools.

Very close to shopping centers, parks and golf course and hospitals. Bernardo Heights Community Center has amazing facilities which include swimming pools, tennis courts, pool tables, fitness room, ping-pong table and more. NO MELLO-ROOS. Home has low-maintenance landscaping. Family room off kitchen; large laundry room; mirrored closets; Master bedroom on one side and the other two bedrooms on the other side for better privacy. No neighbor behind, backs to Lucido park. Skylights in living room provide abundant lighting. Designated Poway Unified schools are Highlands Elementary, Bernardo Heights Middle and Rancho Bernardo High School. Buyer to verify all information.

点击 for more information -

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Attention Please:贷款注意事项


1。去loan officer那里做pre-approval。凡是我的客户,我都是介绍broker先拿pre-approval,getting ready, 这是对客户和我自己负责,让客户了解自己能贷多少。同时也因此让客户提前和loan officer沟通,排除一部分可能出现的意外, 处理一些特殊情况。

2。 在买房期间,如果可以避免资金除了正常以外的进出,尽量避免。所有的进账, 除了工资单的direct deposit, 银行都会让你解释怎么来的,哪怕有的时候只有几百块钱, 都得写explanation letter。期间也不要pay off 汽车贷款什么的。你会说银行没事找事, 但是他们有他们的guidelines, 银行越大,查得越仔细。

3.  刚进了escrow已经开始贷款的小师弟,给我打电话,说lender recheck 他的信用的时候,发现分数低了,因而拿不到原来的好利率了,原来是最近太太去UTC mall买东西, 店员热情地让她开张信用卡, 能省15%, 她就开了。到了另一家,同样的情况,又开了一张。小师弟来美国才九个月,本来信用历史就不够长,每开一张信用卡,商店就查一次信用记录,每查一次信用分数,信用分大概要降10分。小师弟人太好,我直自责原来没有想到要提醒他不表。如果你开始准备买房,先忍忍, 等房子买完后再说。另外, 你可以去 去检测你的信用分。 信用分是贷款的基本,关系到你能拿到的利息。

4. 贷款的过程中,银行会联系公司人事部门证实你的工作,在他们最后资金到位之前还会再次证实,所以,换工作的, 工作有些状况的, 前后2个工作之间有Gap的, 也要提前和loan officer及经纪人沟通。 尽量在买房一个月之前一直到房子close之前不要动。

5. 从亲朋好友那里借钱或者gift,  有一些lender还会要对方2个月的银行流水。 所以不是那么简单。 先和自己的agent和loan officer 沟通好。 另外loan officer也会帮你规划一下, 算好你需要准备多少首付加上Reserve。提早准备计划不会错的。

6. 如果是从国外划钱,一定要和贷款officer提前说,而且一定要严格遵循贷款officer。 每个银行都有略微不同的规则,一点点小细节没搞好,就可能耽搁很久,出现原来不会出现的问题。rule of thumb is, 国外各个帐号之间的存取,要转帐,不要现金以现金形式存。


Email VS. Phone

I love technologies. I really do. Not to mention I had been an IT person for many years, I would imagine the huge difference the way we are doing real estate business today from 10 years back. 新的科技让我可以用手机完成很多事情on the go, 比如,合同可以用手机签,MLS可以上手机找,所有的签字都是电子签字, 预约看房可以text message。。。However, I've seen agents who rely too heavily on emails actually kill their transactions as a result. As much as we love emailing and get so much done with it and computer, when it comes to solving problems, or obtaining quick and easy information, I can accomplish a lot more in one phone call than I can in 10 emails.

For example, wouldn't it be a dismay, for you to go out, show a property, write a contract, send the contract only to learn that there are already multiple offers higher than your clients' offer? Or even worse, just to find out that a property is going to escrow after you have just finished showing。所以,除非是房子刚上市或有open house,不然先打电话预约,电话reach不到才再text。Prior to showing is a great time to touch base with the listing agent to assure that the property is still available and also to learn of any subtle nuances and intricacies in the transaction, 特别是看了房子的基本情况后断定客户很可能会喜欢的房子。

比这更重要的是 talk before making an offer。凭经验,能基本断定一个房子会不会有multiple offers。 如果客户很在乎这个房子,那在写offer之前一定要try to talk over the phone with the listing agentCommunication over the phone帮助经纪人和ta的客户make an informed offer。一般来讲,listing agent基本没有必要撒谎有没有offer, 有几个offer, 虽然不会告诉具体的价格,但是从语音和措词I get the hint。 On the contrary,You don't quite get that from emails。

Another time is to negotiate the terms. Instead of going back and forth in emails, try negotiating over the phone. To me, this is really the fun part。 有些agent在email 里写得硬梆梆的and 显得 so tough,but when you talk to them over the phone, they are as soft and smooth as silk. When I write up a counter offer or a request for repairs after the phone conversation, I may have a pretty good idea about the direction of the negotiations。我最怕的是不接电话的经纪人


Once something is written, it's forever. Never, type something that you will regret down the road. Instead, pick up the phone。 无论是listing agent还是buyer agent, when we talk over the phone professionally, we get a lot solved.  勤于电话、有备而来的经纪人给人真诚和earnest的感觉,不但了解到更多信息,也给各自的客户加分。

Let's talk and talk as a pro!


童鞋们,我用这个网站作为辅助网站,check if my tenants names show up there with all case types -
