最近一阵到处带着客户看房, 客户中有投资房, 也有自住房. 但现在的房市对buyer和 buyer agent来说竞争太激烈. 下面晾晾最近lost 的bid.
时间: 一个月前.
自住. SR 92131 Affinity Ct. 2b/2b + loft, about 1100sqt. 2 car tendem parking. HOA $375/month, condo age about 1995. airy and bright, nice upgrade, has 3rd floor view. asking price $298K. We offered $298. Rejected, agent emailed he's received much higher offer so we weren't even in the counter offer list. 我和我的客户说我估计pending price是$320K. 一般我都会monitor closing. 注意到礼拜五刚close, 最后卖价$322K, 和我估计接近.
时间: 7天前.
自住. RB 92128. Alta Carmel. 2b/2b, about 1100sqt, car port. HOA about $275/month, condo age 2006. nice upgrade and quiet. asking price $249K. We offered $250500. Agent countered back for hightest and best. We then offered $270K with no appraisal contingency and no home warranty request, the cleanest offer could be for a mortgaged offer. Lost, agent said seller may accept $270K for all cash offer, 因为她已经有一个mortgaged offer with 35% downpayment, offer的那个人也是自住, 之前Lost 了好几个Bid, 这次一定要得到它.
时间: 3个星期前.
投资. CV 92120. Carmel View, 1b/1b, about 780sqt, car port. HOA $250/month, condo age 1990, nice upgrade, arbor lake view front. asking price $239K, listing price有点低于实际价值, we offered $250K, 我的客户很兴奋, 以为offer多了一万, 属他无疑. 我却并不乐观, 我告诉他要是他喜欢, 就一定有很多人也喜欢, 而且offer虽然多了一万, 但是本身标价低, 现在的市场自己调节, 标价低的最后卖价还是不会低. 而且这个价位的现金的太多, 所以我们的竞争力并不强. 我问了这是不是他的best and highest, 他说是. 我说OK. 我只能建议, 定价的还是客户. 第二天对方经纪人给我回信, 已经接受了另一个offer, 进了escrow. 我的客户说哦你的感觉真好, 他这时候问我愿意加价可不可以, 我说太迟了, offer被接受就是被接受了.
时间: 今天
自住. 4S 92127. 3b/2.5, about 1700sqt, HOA+fee+Mello-roos = $415/moth, Year 2003. from the picture it looks very nice with excellent upgrade. 要价$518K.上market 3 天, 今天本来约了去看的, 但走之前给agent打电话, 被告知cash offer at full price 已被接受了.
更多losing ...
时间: 2天前.
投资. RB 92128 Alta Carmel. 1b/1b, 704sqt, a bit dark inside especially kitchen and bath, but excellent upgrade on bath and kitchen. asking price $195K which I think it's already over priced. 但我知道现在的市场已经不能看以前的sale data了. 我帮我的高中同学(她人在上海我全权代理)offer full price, all cash, close in 2 weeks. 昨天对方经纪给我打电话, 说能不能go up到$205K, 她有另外一个cash offer在这个价位, 只是close 需要3个星期. 我说我们最多go up到$200K(我同学说她愿意go up到$202K, 只是我觉得不值), 所以估计又没戏了.
时间: 2天前.
自住. 在TierraSanta 92124, 客户不是老中, 按理也不是老中常买房的区域. 2b/2b, 1100sqt, nice complext and upgrade, 2 car garage. asking price $325K-345K. 我们offer了$331K, 但是是VA loan. agent昨天打电话给我, 说她现在正和一个cash offer 在counter, 估计会接受那个cash offer, 把我们放在back up.
时间: 3天前.
投资. SR 92131 Terrace. 2b/2b, 1100+ sqt, nice upgrade, 1.5 car garage, HOA $350. 要价$319K. 带不同的客户去看了两次, 每一次去都进出很多人在看, 有老中, 也有其它国籍, 有自住也有投资. 我们clean offer $330K. agent 告诉我有15个offer. we lost again.
时间: 2天前.
投资. RB 92128 Sabre Hill. 2b/2b, 1000+ sqt, nice upgrade, car port, HOA $300. 要价$272K. 我的客户自己星期六open house去看了后叫我写offer, clean offer $265K. agent 今天eamil我她有cash offer above $300K, "thank you for your effort".
It looks like, in current market, if you offer cash and quick closing, say 2 weeks, you may have good chance to get it. Otherwise, as long as the asking price is not too outrageous, you may have very slight chance if you don't offer the full price, and even you do and above, it depends on the competition of multiple ofers ....
So I tell my clients, if you really want it, and want it NOW, offer the best price and term you could, and I will do my part as an agent.
这就是目前的市场状况, 我有不少客户, 可最近都lost了. 叹气. 其实我们的offer price和term都不差. 可这个市场走得超前. agent都知道(除非是新手没经验),这些交易按正常,appraisal出来都会very much低于offer price, 所以有cash offer quick close is perfect for listing agent and seller了。过去的comparison data会fell 现在的情况,所以你的down payment 很紧的话会有问题(我在另一个post "关于银行估价"有谈到)。In the mean while, 现在的高销售价的数据又会被接下来的三个月使用,所以估计接下来三个月appraisal fell below asking price的状况会有所改变。
时间: 一个月前.
自住. SR 92131 Affinity Ct. 2b/2b + loft, about 1100sqt. 2 car tendem parking. HOA $375/month, condo age about 1995. airy and bright, nice upgrade, has 3rd floor view. asking price $298K. We offered $298. Rejected, agent emailed he's received much higher offer so we weren't even in the counter offer list. 我和我的客户说我估计pending price是$320K. 一般我都会monitor closing. 注意到礼拜五刚close, 最后卖价$322K, 和我估计接近.
时间: 7天前.
自住. RB 92128. Alta Carmel. 2b/2b, about 1100sqt, car port. HOA about $275/month, condo age 2006. nice upgrade and quiet. asking price $249K. We offered $250500. Agent countered back for hightest and best. We then offered $270K with no appraisal contingency and no home warranty request, the cleanest offer could be for a mortgaged offer. Lost, agent said seller may accept $270K for all cash offer, 因为她已经有一个mortgaged offer with 35% downpayment, offer的那个人也是自住, 之前Lost 了好几个Bid, 这次一定要得到它.
时间: 3个星期前.
投资. CV 92120. Carmel View, 1b/1b, about 780sqt, car port. HOA $250/month, condo age 1990, nice upgrade, arbor lake view front. asking price $239K, listing price有点低于实际价值, we offered $250K, 我的客户很兴奋, 以为offer多了一万, 属他无疑. 我却并不乐观, 我告诉他要是他喜欢, 就一定有很多人也喜欢, 而且offer虽然多了一万, 但是本身标价低, 现在的市场自己调节, 标价低的最后卖价还是不会低. 而且这个价位的现金的太多, 所以我们的竞争力并不强. 我问了这是不是他的best and highest, 他说是. 我说OK. 我只能建议, 定价的还是客户. 第二天对方经纪人给我回信, 已经接受了另一个offer, 进了escrow. 我的客户说哦你的感觉真好, 他这时候问我愿意加价可不可以, 我说太迟了, offer被接受就是被接受了.
时间: 今天
自住. 4S 92127. 3b/2.5, about 1700sqt, HOA+fee+Mello-roos = $415/moth, Year 2003. from the picture it looks very nice with excellent upgrade. 要价$518K.上market 3 天, 今天本来约了去看的, 但走之前给agent打电话, 被告知cash offer at full price 已被接受了.
更多losing ...
时间: 2天前.
投资. RB 92128 Alta Carmel. 1b/1b, 704sqt, a bit dark inside especially kitchen and bath, but excellent upgrade on bath and kitchen. asking price $195K which I think it's already over priced. 但我知道现在的市场已经不能看以前的sale data了. 我帮我的高中同学(她人在上海我全权代理)offer full price, all cash, close in 2 weeks. 昨天对方经纪给我打电话, 说能不能go up到$205K, 她有另外一个cash offer在这个价位, 只是close 需要3个星期. 我说我们最多go up到$200K(我同学说她愿意go up到$202K, 只是我觉得不值), 所以估计又没戏了.
时间: 2天前.
自住. 在TierraSanta 92124, 客户不是老中, 按理也不是老中常买房的区域. 2b/2b, 1100sqt, nice complext and upgrade, 2 car garage. asking price $325K-345K. 我们offer了$331K, 但是是VA loan. agent昨天打电话给我, 说她现在正和一个cash offer 在counter, 估计会接受那个cash offer, 把我们放在back up.
时间: 3天前.
投资. SR 92131 Terrace. 2b/2b, 1100+ sqt, nice upgrade, 1.5 car garage, HOA $350. 要价$319K. 带不同的客户去看了两次, 每一次去都进出很多人在看, 有老中, 也有其它国籍, 有自住也有投资. 我们clean offer $330K. agent 告诉我有15个offer. we lost again.
时间: 2天前.
投资. RB 92128 Sabre Hill. 2b/2b, 1000+ sqt, nice upgrade, car port, HOA $300. 要价$272K. 我的客户自己星期六open house去看了后叫我写offer, clean offer $265K. agent 今天eamil我她有cash offer above $300K, "thank you for your effort".
It looks like, in current market, if you offer cash and quick closing, say 2 weeks, you may have good chance to get it. Otherwise, as long as the asking price is not too outrageous, you may have very slight chance if you don't offer the full price, and even you do and above, it depends on the competition of multiple ofers ....
So I tell my clients, if you really want it, and want it NOW, offer the best price and term you could, and I will do my part as an agent.
这就是目前的市场状况, 我有不少客户, 可最近都lost了. 叹气. 其实我们的offer price和term都不差. 可这个市场走得超前. agent都知道(除非是新手没经验),这些交易按正常,appraisal出来都会very much低于offer price, 所以有cash offer quick close is perfect for listing agent and seller了。过去的comparison data会fell 现在的情况,所以你的down payment 很紧的话会有问题(我在另一个post "关于银行估价"有谈到)。In the mean while, 现在的高销售价的数据又会被接下来的三个月使用,所以估计接下来三个月appraisal fell below asking price的状况会有所改变。